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As national COVID-19 restrictions are gradually eased many workplaces are looking to reopen
or are operating a little differently to normal.

Below we have put together a list of key considerations you should take into account in order to go back to work and reopen safely. We've also put together a bank of downloadable and printable resources to help you with this.

Things you need to consider when reopening:

Is your risk assessment up to date?

You are required by law to complete a risk assessment. Your risk assessment must include a regular review of your first aid needs, which should be reviewed at least once every 12 months.

You should update your risk assessment to include how you will manage the risk of COVID-19. You will need to ensure you have updated your risk assessment to reflect the current situation and determine what additional measures you may need to put in place to safeguard your employees and any visiting members of the public.

Some key areas you should consider are:

  • Transmission - What work activities or situations could cause transmission of COVID-19?
  • People - Do you have members of your workforce, or visiting public, that could be more at risk of severe illness from COVID-19?
  • Exposure - How likely could someone be exposed to the virus at your workplace?
  • Control - Can you stop any activities to prevent transmission? If not, what can you do to control the risks?

How to complete a risk assessment

The Health and Safety Executive currently require you to carry out a COVID-19 risk assessment to help you manage risks and protect your employees and others during the pandemic. Find out what you need to consider when assessing first aid needs and what you need to include in your COVID-19 risk assessment by reading our guide.

View risk assessment guide

Do you have the right first aid, fire marshal and mental health provisions in place?

It's important you ensure that:

  • there is appropriate first aid cover for employees and visitors in the event of an accident or emergency
  • there are enough fire marshals and sufficient fire safety cover at all times
  • you have taken into account your employee mental health and wellbeing

The number of first aiders and fire marshals you need to safeguard your employees should be led by your risk assessment (for more information, please see above).

Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, your workplace first aiders and fire marshals may have missed essential re-qualification courses. Which means that when you reopen and go back to work, your first aiders and fire marshals may not have had their skills refreshed or assessed in over three years. This is particularly important as first aiders need training in new or changed skills due to COVID-19, for example, there is renewed guidance on carrying out primary surveys and resuscitation.

If you have changed the way your business operates due to COVID-19, e.g. by separating work areas into bubbles or changing shift patterns to enable social distancing in workplaces, this will mean more first aiders in total will be required.

To help you ensure you've got all your training covered, we've put together some questions below.

1. Have you ensured you have the right number of staff adequately trained and qualified?

Great to hear your first aiders and fire marshals are trained and qualified!

It's important that all your staff have access to appropriately trained and qualified first aiders and fire marshals at all times while working. If you have changed the way you work due to COVID-19, this may mean you need more first aiders and fire marshals than before in order to ensure all your staff are covered. The number of first aiders and fire marshals you need should be led by your risk assessment.

Download our free printable first aid and fire safety checklists to help you to keep your first aid and fire safety provision right in your workplace.

An absent first aider can't save a life. Make sure you have enough cover throughout the year by downloading and completing our absence planner.

Download absence planner

We're glad to hear you've made provisions for the mental health and wellbeing of your staff!

As part of Mental Health Awareness week we will be holding free 1 hour webinars with helpful tips and tools on how to improve your own and wellbeing as well as that of your friends, colleagues and family.

Find out more and register

If you have trained Mental Health First Aiders, we have a range of resources to help you promote awareness within your organisation.

View resources

Don't have any trained Mental Health First Aiders?

Find out more about our range of Mental Health First Aid courses designed to reduce stigma through education and increase the provision of care for those who have a mental illness.

Find out more about Mental Health First Aid courses

2. Do you have trained first aiders?

Great to hear your first aiders are trained and qualified!

It's important that all your staff have access to appropriately trained and qualified first aiders at all times while working. If you have changed the way you work due to COVID-19, this may mean you need more first aiders than before in order to ensure all your staff are covered. The number of first aiders you need should be led by your risk assessment.

Download our free printable first aid checklist to help you to keep your first aid provision right in your workplace.

Download first aid checklist

An absent first aider can't save a life. Make sure you have enough cover throughout the year by downloading and completing our absence planner.

Download absence planner

We offer a range of first aid courses including:

  • First Aid at Work - our most comprehensive course over three days which provides first aiders with the practical skills needed in most workplaces, providing them with the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies
  • Emergency First Aid at Work - our one-day course will help you meet your regulatory requirements for smaller, low risk working environments where your risk assessment has indicated that that first aid training only covering emergency protocols is sufficient



Unsure of how many first aiders you need? 

This should be led by your risk assessment, however we've put together an online calculator as guidance to help you work out what you need.

Start the first aid calculator

If your first aiders need to requalify, we have the courses for you!

Our two day First Aid at Work Requalification course is for first aiders to update their skills and renew their First Aid at Work certificate. The HSE recommends that you requalify within a month of your certificate expiring, if it has been more than a month, the HSE recommends you attend the First Aid at Work (3 day course).

We offer our requalification course as an entirely classroom based course as well as a blended online course which combines online training with face-to-face training in the classroom.




If you have qualified first aiders who want to refresh their first aid skills, check out our online-only course that we are offering for free for anyone to take, at any time, to refresh their skills.

Take our free online refresher training

3. Do you have trained fire marshals?

Great to hear your fire marshals are trained and qualified!

It's important that all your staff have access to appropriately trained and qualified fire marshals at all times while working. If you have changed the way you work due to COVID-19, this may mean you need more fire marshals than before in order to ensure all your staff are covered. The number of fire marshals you need should be led by your risk assessment.

Download our free printable fire safety checklist to help you to keep your fire safety provision right in your workplace.

Download fire safety checklist

An absent fire marshal can't save a life. Make sure you have enough cover throughout the year by downloading and completing our absence planner.

Download absence planner

Our half-day Fire Marshal training course teaches how to prevent fires, fire regulations, general fire precautions and about the different types of fire extinguishers and how to use them correctly. 

Book your Fire Marshal course

Unsure of how many fire marshals you need? 

This should be led by your risk assessment, however we've put together an online calculator as guidance to help you work out what you need.

Start the fire marshal calculator

Our Fire Marshal Refresher course is for previously qualified fire marshals (fire wardens), the two-hour course provides fire marshals an opportunity to update their fire safety knowledge, refresh their fire extinguisher skills and renew their certificates.

Book your Fire Marshal Refresher course

4. Have you made any mental health and wellbeing provisions for your staff?

We're glad to hear you've made provisions for the mental health and wellbeing of your staff!

As part of Mental Health Awareness week we will be holding free 1 hour webinars with helpful tips and tools on how to improve your own and wellbeing as well as that of your friends, colleagues and family.

Find out more and register

If you have trained Mental Health First Aiders, we have a range of resources to help you promote awareness within your organisation.

View resources

Don't have any trained Mental Health First Aiders?

Find out more about our range of Mental Health First Aid courses designed to reduce stigma through education and increase the provision of care for those who have a mental illness.

Find out more about Mental Health First Aid courses


As an employer, you have a legal duty of care to ensure that employees are provided with a safe working environment and must take reasonable care to prevent personal injury (including mental or physical harm) that may arise in the workplace.

As of 2018, the HSE updated their guidance, recommending that employers consider covering Mental Health First Aid training in addition to First Aid at Work training. For more information, read our Guidance on mental health first aid training for the workplace.

Book a Mental Health First Aid Course

Our research suggests 80% of employees weren’t sure if their company had a mental health wellbeing policy. So we encourage all employers to ensure HR policies and practices recognise the needs of those with mental health conditions and provide employees with mental health awareness training or resources and clearly communicate their mental health wellbeing policy to their staff.

We have a range of mental health and wellbeing resources available to help you do this including a workplace wellbeing policy guide and mental health risk assessment guide.

View our mental health resources

Do you have all the necessary first aid supplies and equipment and are they ready for use?

It's important that your first aid supplies such as your first aid kits, defibrillators, evacuation chairs and fire extinguishers are ready to use.

As many organisations across the country have been away from the workplace during the national lockdown, items may have expired or may not have been inspected in some time.

To help you know what to check to reopen safely, we've put together the questions below to make sure all of your supplies are unexpired, fully stocked and inspected so they can be used in the event of an emergency. Alternatively, you can download our checklist.

Download checklist

1. Do you have all the necessary supplies to be COVID-19 secure?

When returning to work, COVID-19 needs to be managed through a system of:

  • Social distancing
  • High standards of hand hygiene
  • Increased surface cleaning
  • Fixed teams or partnering
  • Other measures such as using screens or barriers to separate people from each other

It’s important that you provide your staff, customers and visitors with the necessary supplies to enable returning to work in a COVID-secure way. 

2. Is you first aid kit up to date and fully stocked?

It’s important to make sure your first aid kit is well-stocked with appropriate first aid supplies for your workplace. Some items in your first aid kit can expire and may not be effective and can start to deteriorate, making them unsafe.

To help you keep track of when items in your first aid kit expire or when you may need to replace your first aid kit the next time, use our first aid kit checklist and store or display it near your kit.

Download first aid kit checklist

It’s important to make sure your first aid kit is well-stocked with appropriate first aid supplies for your workplace.

Some items in your first aid kit can expire, and may have done so while you were away from your workplace. Items that have passed their expiry date should be disposed and replaced as they may not be effective and can start to deteriorate, making them unsafe.

To find out how to check your first aid kit item expiry dates, read our guide.

Need to replenish your first aid kit? 

Browse our range of first aid consumables

Need to replace your first aid kit?

Browse workplace first aid kits

To help you keep track of when items in your first aid kit expire or when you may need to replace your first aid kit the next time, use our first aid kit checklist and store or display it near your kit.

3. Is your defibrillator ready for use?

In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, using a defibrillator within the first 3 - 5 minutes can improve a person’s chance of survival as much as 70%*, so it’s important that everyone is familiar with where to find their nearest defibrillator.

Use our defibrillator location poster to refresh your staff's memory and update signs around your workplace so everyone knows where their nearest defibrillator is located.

Download our defibrillator location poster

We recommend you regularly inspect your defibrillator to ensure its always ready for use. Use our defibrillator checklist to keep track your inspections and your pad and battery expiry dates.

Download checklist

* 2015 Resuscitation Council Guidelines, Resuscitation Council UK

Defibrillation within 3 – 5 min of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 50–70%. Every minute that defibrillation is delayed, a casualty’s chances of survival falls by about 10%.*

It's important to regularly check your defibrillator to ensure its ready for use in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. Defibrillators self-test on a daily, weekly or monthly basis – so your device will signal, typically with a flashing light or audible alert, if there is a problem, for example, pads not correctly connected, or low battery.

Defibrillator pads and batteries have a typical shelf life of 2 - 5 years so may have expired while you were away from your workplace.

Need to replace your defibrillator pads or batteries?

Browse pads and batteries

We recommend you regularly inspect your defibrillator to ensure its always ready for use. Use our defibrillator checklist to keep track your inspections and your pad and battery expiry dates.

Download checklist

Are your staff still familiar with where to find their nearest defibrillator? Use our defibrillator location poster to refresh your staff's memory and update signs around your workplace

Download our defibrillator location poster

* 2015 Resuscitation Council Guidelines, Resuscitation Council UK

4. Are your fire extinguishers ready for use?

It’s important that your fire extinguishers are in good working condition in case they need to be used in the event of a fire. We recommend you regularly inspect your fire extinguishers so you know they're ready for us.

We've put together a fire extinguisher maintenance checklist to help you visually inspect your extinguishers.

Download checklist

It’s important that your fire extinguishers are in good working condition in case they need to be used in the event of a fire. Your fire extinguishers may not have been inspected while you've been away from the workplace.

We've put together a fire extinguisher maintenance checklist to help you visually inspect your extinguishers.

Download checklist

If your fire extinguisher has been damaged, tampered with or has been used, you may need to replace it.

Need to replace your fire extinguishers or fire safety accessories?

Browse fire extinguishers and accessories

Does your workplace still have all of the appropriate fire safety signage in place?

Browse fire safety signs

5. Do you have an evacuation chair? If so, is your evacuation chair ready for use?

It’s a requirement under PUWER (Provision and Use of Work and Equipment Regulations) that a business should ensure any equipment used by its employees is maintained in efficient order and good repair. So it’s important to regularly inspect your evacuation chair.

We've put together a visual inspection checklist to help you do this:

Download evacuation chair inspection checklist

Do you have staff who have been trained to use your evacuation chair? If not, check out our 4 hour
Moving and handling principles course for up to 6 delegates on your premises.

It’s a requirement under PUWER (Provision and Use of Work and Equipment Regulations) that a business should ensure any equipment used by its employees is maintained in efficient order and good repair. So it’s important to regularly inspect your evacuation chair.

We've put together a visual inspection checklist to help you do this:

Download evacuation chair inspection checklist

Need to replace your evacuation chair? 

Browse evacuation chairs

Have you considered the safety and wellbeing of your staff working from home?

If you have members of your team working at home, or remotely, you should consider the following:

  • How will you ensure they have the right equipment and set up to work effectively?
    • Have you carried our health and safety risk and Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments of their home working environment?
  • How will you monitor their wellbeing?

Take a look at our home working checklist to see what you need to consider to create an effective space
and how to ensure the wellbeing of remote workers.

Download our home working checklist

Further information on considerations for home workers and lone workers can be found on the Health and Safety Executive’s website.

Browse our first aid supplies shop:

Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment

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Defibrillators, accessories and training models

Defibrillators, accessories and trainign models

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First aid kits

First aid kits

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First aid supplies and consumables

First aid supplies and consumables

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Fire extinguishers, stands and accessories

Fire extinguishers, stands and accessories

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Our courses:

First aid courses

First aid courses


Fire, health & safety courses

Fire, health and safety courses


Mental health & wellbeing courses

Mental health & wellbeing courses



Use our checklists and resources to help you get back to work safely.

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