Who is this lesson for?

This lesson is suitable for pupils in Key Stage 3.

What is included in the lesson?

The teaching resources include:

  • KS3 Allergies Lesson Plan (doc) - 163 KB
  • KS3 Allergies Presentation (ppt) - 12.6 MB
  • KS3 A30 TABI (ppt) - 6.4 MB
  • KS3 A31 Speech Bubble Symptoms (ppt) - 292 KB
  • KS3 A32 Sentence Filler (doc) - 56 KB
  • KS3 A33 Allergies Signs and Symptoms Filler (doc) - 52 KB
  • KS3 A34 Word Search (doc) - 389 KB
  • KS3 A35 Your Choice Optional Activities (ppt) - 589 KB
  • KS3 Your Turn Severe Allergic Reaction (ppt) - 344 KB
  • Teacher Guidance (doc) - 156 KB

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By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  1. identify when someone is having an allergic reaction
  2. help a casualty who is having an allergic reaction
  3. call for help if required for a casualty who is having an allergic reaction.

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