Staying safe

Carry out a risk assessment before your event to ensure that everyone involved (staff, volunteers, participants, members of the public) stays safe. For further information on risk assessments, visit

Your event must be covered by insurance. Arranging insurance for your event is your responsibility. St John Ambulance cannot provide insurance for your event. For more information please contact our Events team, email

St John Ambulance cannot accept liability for loss, damage, or personal injury to yourself or anyone else as a result from your event, even when raising money for St John Ambulance.

Event venue

You need to make sure you have the right permissions to hold your event at its venue. If it is taking place on private property, you’ll need permission from the owner. If it is taking place on public property, you will need permission from your local authority.

If you’re planning to sell alcohol at your event, you will need to check if the venue has a license; if not, get in touch with your local authority.

Money collections

We’re happy to provide collection tins, however if you're collecting in the street or in a public place, make sure you have a local authority license.

Raffles and lotteries

There are certain rules and regulations you'll need to follow if you're planning to hold a raffle or lottery as part of your fundraising event. Please visit the Gambling Commission website for more information.

Food hygiene and allergies

Food hygiene is vitally important, especially around allergies. If you’re serving food at your event, make sure you’re aware of the possible hazards and how you are going to deal with them. Check out the Food Standards Agency for more information. You may also need to notify your local council.

Planning your own fundraising event?

If you're organising your own fundraising event or just thinking about it, we'd love to hear from you! We can provide you with fundraising support and materials.