From everyone at St John Ambulance: thank you

St John volunteers are supporting patients right now, in hospital emergency departments up and down the country, caring for those in need. Our volunteer ambulance crews are also working 24/7 supporting 999 call outs and transporting recovered patients back home safely. 

We’re recognising the generous contribution of many companies who have made donations that directly fund our vital role, or gifted items to keep our volunteers safe and healthy.

Monetary donations

St John Ambulance Supporters - Monetary donations

St John Ambulance Supporters - Monetary donations

Gifts in kind

St John Ambulance Supporters - Gifts in kind

We would like to say a special thank you to Barratt Developments, for giving 400 defibrillators, worth £280,000.


Messages from our supporters

Carval Investors:

"I wish St John Ambulance all the very best as you continue your amazing work. We are so grateful for all that you are doing right now and how you are helping our communities, and it is our privilege to be able to support that."


Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation:

"We are delighted to support a charity with highly skilled volunteers at the forefront of the nation’s health response. Through St John we are proud to protect communities in which our customers and colleagues live and work. Thank you to all at St John for their care, expertise and commitment to be there for those in need."



"Amazon is proud to be supporting St John Ambulance, including the charity’s work to train an additional 2,500 volunteers with skills specific to the COVID-19 crisis. These volunteers have stepped forward to save lives and support their communities – as St John Ambulance has done for the last 140 years. We’d like to thank all St John Ambulance volunteers for their hard work, dedication and community spirit."


Kinetik Wellbeing:

"'Our commitment to working with St John Ambulance to deliver health in the home is more important to us now than ever. We're so grateful for these brave volunteers up and down the country who have stepped up and worked hand in hand with the NHS during COVID-19 ...we want to say a huge thank you to each and every one!"



"It was absolutely our pleasure to be able to support the great work of everyone at St John Ambulance. Your work is critical to helping the UK through this crisis and we thank you for your service."

Talk to the team

Interested in in supporting us during this crisis and beyond? Contact our partnerships team on 0207 324 4157 or at