Current supporters

Standard Chartered

2020 saw a challenging year for everyone across the sector and Standard Chartered Bank were one of the first companies to step forward to support St John in our response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Following employee votes to award funds to charitable organisations with a direct role in the response to COVID-19, an initial £121k donation to our emergency appeal was soon followed up with another £117k to help boost our recovery.

Read more about our partnership

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Bunzl PLC


Laerdal Medical

Regional supporters


Packetts are supporting St John Ambulance by raising up to £10,000 to help train 100 new volunteers.

Sellafield Ltd

Brand license partners

Kinetik Wellbeing

Kinetik Wellbeing

We have joined forces with Kinetik Wellbeing on a range of healthcare products designed to monitor, manage, and support people’s health. Read more about our partnership.



Talk to the team

Interested in becoming a corporate partner, or want to know more? Contact our partnerships team on 0207 324 4157 or get in touch online.