This project aims to increase access to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training and the ability to use Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) in communities to enable people to feel more confident in delivering these skills if needed.

NHS England and NHS Improvement is partnering with St John Ambulance to deliver a programme encouraging everyone to learn CPR and how to use defibrillators.

St John Ambulance will develop a national network of Community Advocates to champion the importance of first aid, complimented by a country wide database of defibrillators (The Circuit), which will help save up to 4,000 lives each year by 2028.  

Find out more about becoming Community Advocate

At least 300 volunteers from across England will be supported to get out into the community and teach lifesaving skills. 

To find out about our free sessions and how you can request these contact us below 

As part of this project, more resources will be created to help communities access information and training on CPR and how to use an AED. Check back for updates!

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Join our interactive Defibrillator course

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Download The Chain of Survival - surviving a resuscitation attempt



Access CPR training resources

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To find out more about the project's progress, download the NCFR newsletter


Get defibrillator training

You don't need to be trained to use a defibrillator, but our Defibrillator and CPR training courses across the UK will make sure you have the confidence to act when it really counts.
