What to do

  1. Baby first aid - perform a primary survey and monitor their response

    If the baby is not responding to you, first perform a primary survey. If this establishes that they are unresponsive but breathing, put them in the recovery position.

  2. First aid - cradle your baby with the head tilted downwards

    Cradle the baby in your arms, with their head tilted downwards to prevent them from choking or inhaling vomit.

  3. Baby recovery position - call for emergency help

    Call 999 or 112 for emergency help and monitor their level of response until help arrives. 

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If a baby is not responding to you and not breathing normally, you will need to call 999 or 112 for emergency help and start CPR straight away. Learn what to do.

How to put an adult in the recovery position

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How to put a child in the recovery position

If a child is not responding to you but breathing normally, it’s safe to put them in the recovery position. Learn what to do.

School child smiling with bandage around head