What is heat exhaustion?

Heat exhaustion is caused by a loss of salt and water, usually through excessive sweating. It develops slowly and usually happens to people who aren’t used to hot, humid weather.

Signs and symptoms

Look for:

  • a headache, dizziness and confusion
  • a loss of appetite and feeling sick
  • sweat with pale, clammy skin
  • cramps in the arms, legs and stomach 
  • a fast, weakening pulse and breathing.

What to do

  1. Help the casualty to a cool place, out of the sun and encourage them to lie down with their legs raised and supported.

  2. You then need to give them lots of water to drink.

    • You could also give them an isotonic sports drink or oral rehydration solution, to help replace the salt and fluid they have lost though sweating.
    • Do not mix regular cooking salt into water and give it to them to drink, this will make their condition worse.
  3. Monitor their level of response. Even if they recover quickly, suggest they seek medical advice.

    • If their condition seems to be getting worse, call 999/112 for emergency help.  

Related first aid advice


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School child smiling with bandage around head